Monday, June 23, 2008

All for good TASTE

Yesterday the TASTE OF THE SHORELINE was a big success! When I got there in the early afternoon to help with set up, ,to say there were ‘scattered showers’ was a bit of an understatement. With the random downpours that ensued every hour, on the hour for a while, it didn’t seem like there was even going to be a chance that we’d get to out 5:15 stage time. But someone smiled down & the skies turned sunny.

The crowd was there & the music was rocking! I got there early & got to catch a bit of Kailin Garrity before I went on & she did a wonderful job of giving up her own new tunes! Once my band & i got up there, we pulled off some country, rock, pop & blues (of course…we can never stay focused☺ ) & it was FANTASTIC!

People danced, clapped, sang & bought cd’s :) (yay Nicole Frechette fans!woo-hoo!) & I’m thrilled that I was able to be a part of this great fund raising event. See you next year Taste of the Shoreline!

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