Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Alright, this has taken a bit of time to get here but it's here now so enjoy on lucky Friday the 13th of June I had the pleasure of joining Channel 8 News@Noon in New Haven for an interview & live performance segment. a VERY special thanks to my talented friend Joe Barone
who came out & played just beautifully for the show.....check out his music when you're done watching the interview..he's not country but he's a got a GREAT sound & a very chill vibe..he's one of my favs.

(not the most flattering image,haha..but the video is pretty good:) )

anyway- Here is the link for the video of Nicole Frechette's performance on 'News @ Noon" on WTNH News Channel 8 - sorry there was no direct way to place the video..you'll just have to go to the page & click my "COUNTRY MUSIC ARTIST NICOLE FRECHETTE " link..enjoy!

& let me know what you think!!

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